Learn To Sail
We offer term-based junior sailing programs (see below), school holiday programs and youth/adult sailing opportunities.
Our policy is to make learning to sail affordable for families. We make first class boats available so that parents are not faced with the expensive costs of acquiring competitive sailing dinghies for their children.
There is an expectation that parents will participate in a rostered system to help with the smooth operation of the programme. The three key areas are:
- On shore support during sessions
- Quad driver for taking boats to the beach
- On water support for the coach (coming out in the coach boat).
Training will be provided for the quad bike and on water support roles for those interested. Other club roles include resource maintenance, group leaders, other admin etc.
Term 1 Program 2025 – To be confirmed
Course Options
Opti Learn to Sail Group
This course is designed for beginner sailors to learn the basics of sailing. We focus on building confidence on the water and aim to be able to independently sail by the end of the course. Minimum age of 8 (or a very confident 7).
Session Dates: | TBC |
Days/times: | TBC |
Opti Learn to Race Group
This course runs alongside our learn to sail and has a more advanced goal of getting around a race course by themselves.
Session Dates: | TBC |
Days/times: | TBC |
RS Feva Development Group
This course is designed for beginner RS Feva sailors, or experienced opti sailors. This group will be run in RS Fevas.
This is a beginner course for experienced opti sailors or bigger/older sailing beginners.
Session Dates: | TBC |
Days/times: | TBC |
RS Feva Learn to Race Group
This course is designed for more experienced sailors who can get around a course comfortably by themselves. We aim to have a lot of fun learning how to race amongst various other sailing skills e.g tactics, weather and strategy.
In term 4 we will be adding extra focus around the rules that apply on the water to support the transition into 420 teams racing. For sailors who are too big to sail RS Feva, it is an option to sail a 420 for this program.
Dates: | TBC |
Time: |